Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A nosey neighbor

Our dog "Tiger"

Our dog "Ricky"

Sunsets & Rainbows

A beautiful end to a beautiful day

Going to scan the pastures for sheep or lambs that may have gotten stuck in mud or water holes or got onto their backs and can't get back over. They will die pretty quickly if not freed or turned back over.


Hidden in the hills

Morning at the mountain

Our off road vehicle, "The Mule"

Country livin'

Fetching water for the dogs

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A day in the ministry

Snow on the mountain

A friendly local

Turkeys trying to impress the chickens

A very rural farm house

Curious George

Nice piggy

Spring Lambs are everywhere

Part of our animal family

A section of our backyard

One flat and a spare with no air

A friend and neighbor with a compressor to our rescue

A beautiful end to the day

Sunset on the mountain and pastures

Front side of our cottage facing the mountain

Our cottage beyond the buildings and dark green trees in the center of the photo